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2017 Mission Trip Report

We thank God that the team has reached Rajahmundry Airport safe and they were welcomed by us couldn't express how much we are grateful to see them here. we went hotel and took rest for 5 hours and came to my house in the evening and some of our church members honored them and welcomed in Indian style by garlanding them. the same group of church gave thanks to God by singing praises and welcoming songs in Telugu language.


on 6th of November :

Apostle Charlene had a small problem with her tooth, and met Dentist where drilled tooth without giving anesthesia or any pain killers. Praise God they fixed her tooth. we have visited 3 churches that day, in the first church visit God has done miracles and signs that God is with the team. One woman came with blur eyes, Apostle tim prayed for her and God has opened her eyes right there. She tested and Apostle Nani tested and confirmed that She is healed. And an another boy with pains in joints came asking prayers and Apostle Tim prayed for him and he was healed right there and could bend his legs and hands with no pain. Praise the Lord. And wisdom team prayed for the girl who was suffering from menstrual cycle disease, we are waiting to hear miracle in her life. 2nd visit we had was in the fishermen community . Pastor Murthy has been actively working among this fishermen community and preaching gospel. In spite of all struggles and hatred from the community he could win 25 souls in 5 years of hard work and prayer. there is one amazing thing that, when he started working with India Prayer League using 1C1D strategy 9 souls added to church in 10 months, and he could buy a site for the church building too. WISDOM team engaged in praying for that community transformation. I hope that God will do miracles in that community so that they may see the real light of the Gospel, and that they may come in to the saving knowledge of the Jesus Christ. 3rd visit: Team has reached the place that no travels could reach. but it was amazing and the team enjoyed bike ride too there. We started walking, some young men from the local church helped us to reach church by motor cycles. And Mother Brenda preached the word, every one prayed for the sick, and for deliverance, many have experienced the anointing of the Holy Spirit through the word shared by the Apostle Charlene. It was 2 hours journey. Enemy tried to stop our journey by blocking the way we should go, but God helped us to reach place and serve God. In thanks giving prayer with IPL pastors, This pastor give testimony that one woman was freed form fear of speaking and praying. Now she is praying, singing and able to give testimony first time in his life.


7th of November ( 2nd Day )

First visit to church which is 10 kilometers from IPL office but we traveled 24 kilometers as road we supposed to go was in repair. We had a great service there, that church believers waited for 3 hours for us. An old man came to us and boldly and proudly said that he has been actively involving in praying in 1C1D strategy. Apostle Tim gave some exhortations to pastor and church regarding strategy. Sister Lee Jones preached the word of the Lord, the believers enjoyed the sermon and were blessed. 2nd visit, we visit Pastor Jacob's church. he is the one of the core team members, the church has been part of the strategy, because of the strategy prayer he could raise daughter church in another village. 3rd visit, Apostle Tim and Apostle Charlene have shared word of God as tag preaching. Really the sermon that was delivered o that day has great effect on the believers they heard. "where is your hope?" anointing sermon, the holy fire was in room.


8th of November ( 3rd Day )

Apostle Tim had a time with Apostle Nani and Brother Praveen at the morning and with core team at afternoon. Apostle Tim brought a computer for the India prayer league which was sponsored by Bother Paul and Pamela. Really it was great tool to have for the ministry here. we can connect with team, to send updates to all churches, to send praise report to KLI office, for the translation of books and reports etc.... Even there are lot of things to do with computer I really thank God. thank Tim and Brother Paul for having great concern for the need of the ministry here.

I have bought computer table and external keyboard and mouse for computer. And I am praying for the printer that very important tool for the office to print praise report, watchman report, prayer targets in our language so that every pastor may have copy to pray and give to those who pray in their churches.

And Apostle Tim has sponsored me to buy NKJV with strong words and Vine dictionary in Olive Tree app. I really thank ful to that and I am so blessed with that software and my preaching style and understanding of the word of God is changed from that day. I really thank apostle Tim for his gift. And he presented me a wonderful book written by David L. Watson & Paul D. Watson that CONTAGIOUS DISCIPLE MAKING". I am going through that book it was amazing and wonderful. It is changing my idea to see fulfillment my vision in ministry. Apostle Tim have thought us deeper thought about strategy. And He encouraged us with Word of the Lord. I have learned truth about present truth from him, really it was great and giving us broad heart to accept any theory of any denomination. another thing is that God has sat on thrown of praises, he explained deeper about His thrown, He want to make all His enemies as His foot stool. who will set a thrown of praise there He will make all enemies as His foot stool. I really impressed and blessed with this explanation. We thank God for giving us such a wonderful leader as my father. As we were in meeting with Tim in Hotel, WISDOM Team had blessed our family by having their presence and being one among the ladies of the house. our family thought at the beginning bit hesitated to let the guests work like they work, but later they had pretty much enjoyed having the guests experiencing the Indian style of living and cooking, cleaning and etc. Really we could understand their heart for my family, they honored my Wife and Mom by doing things only an Indian woman do. I hope they enjoyed but I could see our women's fees and hearts were filled with joy and happiness.


9th November (4th day)

It was so amazing day. 102 pastors attuned the Pastors and Evangelists seminar. Apostle Tim Taylor taught on " Hope and the key to the power and it relates to our father's house". It was so blessing to all pastors and evangelists, he taught about the Heaven pattern of the Kingdom of God on the Zion, and invited pastors and evangelists to use this pattern and be blessed. 14 Pastors have heard and raised their hands to Join in India Payer League though 1church 1day, we have shared the link to the 10 pastors who have wanted to download to 1C1D app. I believe that his encouragement will be a blessing to many. India Prayer League was with 24 but now we are hoping to have this number raising to 34 churches. we have already started to follow-up with those who were interested in it. I pray his ministry to us will be great remark in our churches. And the Apostle Charlene has given a wonderful visual illustration on Hope. It is printed in minds of the men of God, Pastors who were encouraged. They started practicing that in their ministry. Pastor Moshe one who attend conference and shown interest to join IPL said that he was in many struggles just because of preaching gospel, his whole family of both father side and his wife side relatives left them and not supported anything and not even allow him to stay in their house. He thought give up on service and ministry and go back to his caste work. But he attend this conference and encouraged to stand in ministry in spite of all struggles. He could anchor his faith with Christ. And he joined with us attended thanks giving prayer in IPL office.


10th November ( 5th day )

This day was blessing day for our church believers. In our country believers believe that if Pastor or Man of God visit their family, there abides the presence of God . They feel it is great honor for them and it is favor of God. KLI and WISDOM split into two groups for the house visiting and they went to two different villages to pray and encourage believers in faith. Every house was blessed by their visit to houses. Every church believers revived and felt proud that God has sent them for their house blessings. Actually it is the pattern i follow in my vision to reach the unreached. They feel encouraged and were blessed.


11th November (6th day)

This day is special for our family. Team blessed not only our church and believers but also they were blessing to our family too. We cannot forget this day in our lives. Apostle Tim and Apostle Charlene washed our feet giving us an example. I never experienced love in this measure. we were not worthy for that but with this team we experienced the Love of Christ. They presented solves that stitched by Godly 90 years old woman. That made us overwhelmed knowing that we are not alone but God had prepared his people before the foundation of the world. WISDOM team announced financial aid to my children, Brothers Ashok and Praveen, scholarship to semi-orphan Manasseh, and wedding gift to my sister Agnes, washing machine for my mother and wife. there is no joy other than the joy comes from knowing that God answers our prayers not the way we thought but His way and He is faithful. And Team took us for road trip and for picnic. As family we never spent time like this, all of us had enjoyed, And then Team offered us a lunch. It was great and we never been to Hotels like that, and the food we had was most expensive food I ever had. at that time I remembered my childhood days, the days we had not enough food and starved for many days. and remember the promise of God that He would not leave us as orphans. we thank God for everything on that day, coz it was special. I have prepared water tank and tap, shed for the washing machine, this made me late. I have bought machine and I will add those pictures. healfully thank you for your valuable gift given to family.


12th November ( 7th day ) Two Sunday services. We partake in Holy Communion on first Sunday of every month. But we love to take communion with team and we postponed our communion service 2nd Sunday for November. We had special love feast as we used have love feast on communion day. And we thanked the team for bringing Holy Communion cups from USA. We have taken communion in our Indian cultural way and we love to take in December in America style. (which is to use the cups given by the team) Team encouraged church with their exhortations, prophetic declaration, and with Word of God. Our church were very happy and thank KLI and WISDOM teams for their generous support to finish roof work of the church building. I hope team enjoyed well in taking communion with us and to say that we are all from one body of Christ.


13th November ( 8th day ) It was great very blessed day to our church. it was" FAMILY CONFRENCE " day. We had three sessions simultaneously at morning time, sessions for men, Woman, Children. Apostle Tim covered Men's section and preached about Hope, with visual illustration of red rope. The follow up was awesome with our church. We have noticed that whenever the church sees the rope they remember the lesson taught by the team. One of the church members who attended the Men’s session, named Satya Paul said that he was encouraged with sermon, and he also said “I was in fear of future and children education, there was no hope for my future until I trusted someone for my carrier, But today I learned how to trust God in my life and i have hope in Jesus." Amen… And he is the one who presented a written memento to Tim (we apologies for the spelling mistakes on that memento), with expectation of same blessing over village. And Brother Saheb the attendee, said that "I was searching for the new job which was my hope for my future, it was just shade, but now I learned how to anchor my hope with Jesus. I cut my rope anchored with fear, some other things and fix my rope to the anchor in the Word of the Lord and His promises". And at the same time we conducted women conference at new church building. Apostle Charlene taught in this session. It was amazing to see 60 women attending this session. Apostle Charlene and Sister Windy were used a great tool in God’s hand. Every single person was blessed by his teaching and encouragement. She taught to have hope in God for any problem they have in their family lives. She explained that how a Godly women have to live. And she prepared a bracelet for reaching out the lost for Christ wherever they are. It brought great impact on our vision, it has brought great power to our vision to reach out for the Christ. I have been teaching believers to reach the unreached with Gospel, but it was not on the way we thought. Most of the believers would say that they wouldn’t find right place or right time to share gospel, But this bracelet brought great extra power to believers to share gospel to people wherever or whenever they walk or work. They are wearing this bracelet wherever they go to find time to share gospel though their life. Another visual illustration that how the spirit filled life as holy, there will be no power to sin in your life. Excellent illustrations that were like writing on rocks, these were engraved in the hearts of the believers. And testimony of the Sister Wendy Sandy, brought joy in the hearts of the people who are coming from family struggles. And third session was led by Mom Brenda and Sister Leigh Jones. It was the session for the children. Children had enjoyed such wonderful, joy and fun session that they ever experienced. They felt proud to have Name Tags on their necks, showing one another and felt blessed. I would like to say once thing that on Sunday every children had come with identity cards. The stars and stickers on them they explained them to one another. The children have been going to schools with the hand bands on their hands showing HOPE, and telling their friends how they were blessed and enjoyed talking about hope. The story women at the well, they are telling today even. They are still today enjoying dance they learned. And the the story of anchor is still on their mouths telling to one another with so much happy. We all together had lunch. And after lunch we had combined session in our new church building. Apostle Tim ministered with Word of God. And every one of the team shared words of encouragement. After the service team has distributed 100 Blankets to all believers, and provision that enough for one man for 15 days. This kits were donated to 18 widows, tooth brushes and paste for every home that donated by Dr Wadvani. Since this is winter season, believers felt joy to have these blankets. Some parents could not effort nice blankets for their family. They used to buy blankets in loan type. But now they are feeling joy to have them as gift from God. Every day they are asking me to give their regards to all of the team members. Children are able to sleep well in this winter season.


14th November ( 9th day ) At the morning time, Team has visited one of the IPL churches which is led by Daniel one who is also working as legal adviser for India Prayer League and JCPH. Apostle Tim has shared word of God. And every one of the team shared an exhortation. Apostle Charlene and Wendy were asked to pray for a woman whose leg fractured and was on bed for the sometime. Leg was swollen and women was getting much severe pain. Apostle Charlene prayed with passion and miracle had just happened that swollen leg was become normal, and the pain she was having had subsided. we could find joy on her face and filled with Holy Spirit.

FESTIVAL OF HOPE. There were many miracles happened in and for the Ground. Prior to these festivals we did not have ground to conduct open meetings or any such festivals. So we hired a land for festival 2 months before. But before 10 days to festival date the owner took his word back and said no to festivals in his land. The time was clicking and we lost what we had and now we started searching for a new land for festival. In our search we found another land and owner gave permission to conduct festival. But as we started the preparations on the given ground just before the day of the festival, he again said no, just because of some anti-Christian rebels that pressurized the owner. But we prayed and God answered our prayers and God gave solution for the problem. At last we could start arrangements. On the day of the festival just 4 hours before service began there was rain in ground and in around places. But miraculously rain stopped at the ground but rain in places around the ground and villages very heavy. We praised the Lord for His miracle and wonder, not only that day but both days there was rain in surrounding places but not in the village where we conducted the festival. There is God’s propose on that. God is great ryt! The ground was dried it has cracks on the ground which would make hard for those who sit and place chairs, so the rain just softened the ground so that people who could come to sit comfortable. We believe that God has brought that little rain for our good. On the first day of the festivals the children presented the sign song that was taught to them by sister Leigh and Mother Brenda. Prophetic declaration was brought by Windy, Exhortations by Apostle Charlene and the sermon was brought to the congregation by Apostle Tim. He preached on Hope that anchored with Christ, he gave visual illustration with red rope. 33 people came forward for the altar call, to accept Christ and also to rededicate their lives to God. We are glad to say we could find every one of them through their pastors and we are also having follow up with their spiritual life. And there were 9 people who experienced on that day. Here most of the people go to labor work so they got sickness in back bones and but on this day with prayers of Tim and team 5 people were freed from back pains, one was healed from her abdomen pain. On second day of the Festival Action children showed the action song led by Mother Brenda and the team led the congregation in to worship by invoking the presence of God in to the lives by the Flags. Prophetic declaration was delivered by sister Windy, Exhortations by Apostle Tim, and main preaching was brought to us by Apostle Charlene she preached Kingship of Christ with visual illustration. There 52 people came forward for the altar call. And she called people to experience the filling of Holy Spirit with pouring water over the head. I ( Apostle Nani ) have seen that there was smoke raised from the body of the Charlene, it was winter and there was no possibility to raise smoke form the body, I thought to take pictures but it was not captured. And that fresh anointing made many fell on the ground. Our church youth have experienced the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit. And some pastors said their believers have freed from demonic powers on that day. on thanks giving prayer with IPL pastors, we had a report that 2 people have baptized, these two were who gave their life to God first time in festivals. One women who was danced while Charlene preaching was set free from demonic acts, pastor said. Though Apostle Charlene was exhausted and tired, she kept going on praying for the others and a fresh anointing fell on those who received it. We thank God for such powerful life changing experience of power of God. We want to thank God for finding us in his favor to bless us with the powerful and anointed team from USA, to assure the church that He is living and active, to reassure our family that He has not forgotten His dear servant Sajeev Kumar, to declare the hope of Glory he is going to reveal in and through JCPH and IPL. There came a time we had to say bye to the team for a while till they come. We just felt part of our family has left us. But we are assured that as each time the team come the members of the family is increasing, so does the family that comes next year with increasing power and anointing of God. Thank you.

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