W.I.S.D.O.M. Ministries Apostolic Council
Bishop Dr. Jackie Green is the Founder of: JGM-International PrayerLife Institute, New Generation Christian Fellowship Church, RAPHA Deliverance University of Practical Ministry (RDU), and Jackie Green Publishing Enterprises, LLC. She oversees the New Testament Council of Churches and Ministries (NTCCM), and is part of the pastoral team at her husband’s ministry, Second Baptist Church. Visit her web site at:

Tim Taylor, an Apostle and is the founder of Kingdom League International (KLI). He is highly sought after as a speaker, trainer, and consultant to ministries and businesses. As a strategic architect, he mobilizes churches, cities, and nations in strategic prayer. He has provided me with Godly counsel and encouragement and always is quick to say, “Pray and obey.” Visit his website at:

Apostle Charlezetta “Char” Nixon is Founder of Blessed Ministries Interdenominational Ministry, based in Los Angeles, CA, and co-founder of Freedom In Christ Christian Fellowship (FICCF) in Denver, CO. She has been favored by God to impact audiences nationally and internationally through her powerful preaching and unique teachings that are designed to train and mobilize God’s army and to usher in a mantle of healing and deliverance to His people. She is an Apostle of prayer, a visionary, a planter, plougher, and reformer of old religious systems where ever God sends her. No matter the cost, she has her eyes set on the Savior, the harvest (sinners), and the equipping of the saints. Visit her website at: